Thursday, August 8, 2013


Hello World!

I'd like to introduce myself! I shall henceforth be known as Lady House. My Husband shall be Sir House. What is so interesting about us that I felt vain enough to start blogging you ask? Well, that depends. My Husband and I are originally from Bucks County, PA. We met about 6 years ago and began dating a few months after. We were Married 2 years ago in Disney World!
The past 2 years have been quite interesting. We decided before we even got married that at some point, sooner rather than later, that we wanted to move to Florida.  This snow/cold/winter stuff is for the birds! After searching for a starter home in Bucks County only to be sorely disappointed, we decided that the right time was now and we moved to Florida. Well, The weather was great. Being near Disney World was awesome! Living near the beach was really cool! (Mostly because of the beach bars)  Sounds great, right! Let me lay some math on ya' (year and a half without family for holidays)+(teeny tiny town+job with strict no fraternization policies=no friends)=we want to come home!

So we did!

We left our 3000 sqft, 7 year old home that we purchased as a bank owned property and got for a steal at under $150k in March of 2012.

We sold it in July 2013 and after everything was said and done we walked away with $8-9k. Not too shabby.

So initially we were planning to rent before buying again in a few years. We spent one week looking for an apartment and every time we left a rental office we couldn't help but say "Why would We spend $X/mo on that when We could buy a house for that much!" Every. Single. Time.  Whether is was a large, outdated, icky apartment for $1100/mo or a tiny, beautiful, brand new one for $1400/mo.

We have since been living in my parents my old room. Nothing is more of a blow to the ego, but at the same time, stabilizing, as moving back into your old room after having owned your own home. All of our stuff is in storage except for work clothes and about 5 other outfits each. Time is tick, tick, ticking away and we are eager to get into our new home! Follow our adventures here!