Thats a lie. all of them. lies.
Its awful! I hate it! Its really, really, REALLY ugly! But thats ok, because in my head I see a different house. I see a house thats renovated, and beautiful with lots of our hardwork put into it. Something that we built together and that I can love.
Thats it! Mint green, with black shutters, gutters, and doors. A roof that needs A LOT of help and its fair share of other issues.
Like this awful wall texture.
I like to call it 'thousand smashed spiders plastered on a wall.'
Don't forget the lovely texture on the ceiling.
Or the random hole in the ceiling!
Then theres this room. This used to be a car port. Not too shabby right?
Extra living space,
A fire place,
lots of natural light,
Except, no. That fire place is fake, it has a gas line that comes from God knows where, and vents to nowhere. Its not even attached to the wall!!!
Most of those windows don't have a either a screen, or a flat glass panel, or both!
and the whole room is on a slope, because they never leveled it out to make it a reasonable part of the home. The fact of the matter is that the front of the room is actually 6 inches lower the the ground outside. Which means there is a lot of moister in the front of the room and it isn't really useable.
Some times I shake my head and wonder why we bought this house but then I remember the house I see in my head and know that soon that house will be mine.
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